World Mental Health Day

On World Mental Health Day, let’s all come together to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. Talking about our mental health can help us cope better with life’s ups and downs. So, on World Mental Health Day and beyond it, why not check in with your friends, family, peers, or colleagues?

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October. This year’s theme set by the World Federation of Mental Health is workplace mental health. The theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of people, organisations, and communities.



There are lots of ways that you can take part in World Mental Health Day.

Last year, over 260,000 people had a Tea & Talk for World Mental Health Day – raising vital funds for mental health whilst getting together and talking about mental health.

If you are struggling with your mental health, please come and talk to us at Heath Street Health Centre.

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